Sydney eked out another summer weekend, and I couldn't be happier about it. Saturday was warm, sunny, and breezy - my perfect kind of day!
These guys also seemed to think it was a good day to be out driving their cute car.
My first activity of the day was brunch with a new girl at work, who also happens to be a neighbor! We have found common ground on things, but mostly on how frustrating it can be to get your life in order after moving here!
We walked up to McMahons Point and landed at a little cafe with some shaded sidewalks seating: it's still plenty warm enough that that is a necessity!
Brunch was delicious!
And this is a good example of how serious Australia is about the concept of tea: a teeny tiny biscuit came with tea. Adorable!
After our brunch, I walked over to the shops at Kirribilli to get some supplies for dinner with Esther and Andres that night. It's truly a sign that I've adjusted to living here when I can pay $10 for a bar of chocolate and not flinch. Well, OK, maybe there was a
little flinching.
In the late afternoon, we headed over to the Spainards'. It was so beautiful out, we walked the scenic path from Central Station.
We never could figure out what the skywriting was saying |
We ate so much good food that night! Esther prepared avocado the way they always ate it in Spain: diced with salt and pepper, with lots of olive oil and lemon juice on top. Mmmmm!
And we had cheeses and salads to snack on while Andres put together a veggie lasagna. It was about two solid hours of nibbling, drinking, and talking - a super fun dinner!
The rest of the evening was spent with these two playing games:
While Esther and I watched a movie. It was a super fun night! We love our little tastes of being Spanish!
The food looks amazing! Did you stay up well past your bedtime? No spaniard i know eats dinner before 9:)