Saturday, February 22, 2014

Game nights

A lot of times, the day-to-day of being here feels "normal" - not particularly exotic or different from living anywhere else. But then occasionally, something will happen or we'll see something that is so very Australian that there's no forgetting how different it can be.

Game nights are a really good example of that. We went out last night for drinks with someone from work, and it just so happened that it was also a big rugby game night. Here are a couple pics I took to try and capture what it's like being in Sydney on rugby nights.

Like these gents at the train station.

So much to say about these guys, I don't even know where to start!

And this is how every pub looks.

And of course, there are the crazy drunk people walking along the sidewalks, which a picture just can't capture. Generally they are harmless young guys shouting about how much they love their team or singing. Sydney really shows off a different side on game nights and I love it!

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