Monday, February 17, 2014

At the theatre

Lovely Emma friend England gave us tickets to go see a show at the theatre her bar is affiliated with.

Now, as cultured as T and I are, this is the first time we've been to a play in Sydney. =) So we made a whole night out of it.

First we went for dinner at an Italian spot near my office.

And yes, there were tons of those statues all over the place in there. But the food was really great!

The restaurant is in one of the older buildings in the CBD and is actually below street level. On the sidewalk above, I've always noticed glass tiles and wondered about them. As it turns out, regardless of their original purpose, they now serve to let light in on orchids that provide some contrast to the below-ground scenery.

After dinner, we headed down through Millers Point to the theatre. It was a nice walk and we had plenty of time to enjoy the cute buildings and interesting things along the way.

Toby was so excited to see the show, he walked off and left me while I was fully taking things in.

But eventually we made it to the theatre!

It's in the exact same building where our Saturday bar visit was, but I snapped a few more pics.

And then it was show time! It was a funny, sad play with lots of Australian accents going on. But we did follow along with a lot the slang, which made me feel pretty good about how far we've come in the past year and a half!

It was a really fun night and a nice change to our usual weeknight routine. We think we could be really good at a life of leisure that involves dinners out and shows every night. Thank you, Emma!

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