Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Walking around Millers Point

On Saturday, Toby graciously agreed to go on an afternoon walk with me. (Or, as he sometimes describes it, he "walked me.") So we headed across the bridge and then back under it to wander through Millers Point and Walsh Bay. We'd been through here a couple times before but I wanted to spend more time walking by the historic buildings.

We walked by Lord Nelson, which is one of Sydney's oldest pubs.

We also walked by a lot of old warehouses that have been converted into housing for fabulously wealthy people.

A lot of the areas looked like they hadn't changed a bit in 200 years. If it weren't for all the cars, you wouldn't know what century it was.

In one of the areas where the old building have been refurbished and look quite modern, we saw this really cool art/light post.

The rest of our walk was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that we accidentally photobombed two separate wedding photo shoots in the Rocks as we walked home. We felt bad (Toby didn't), but there were so many bridal parties out, it was impossible to avoid them all! On the upside, we'll live on forever in someone's wedding photos.

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