Friday, September 27, 2013

Sydney marathon

On Sunday morning I got up early to watch the Sydney marathon. The marathon was a big deal: a lot of the streets in the city were shut down for it - including the Harbour Bridge.

Lucky for me, the marathon started right under the bridge on our side of the Harbour, so I didn't have to go far to see it!

Starters in the half marathon

The first race - the half marathon - started at 6:15. I don't know how many runners were in that one, but it seemed like an endless stream.

In the far right of the pic, you can see all the people coming up the hill

The most impressive race started an hour later: that was the start time for the full marathon participants in wheelchairs.

And then the marathon runners started. Even Toby poked his head out to watch.

After it was underway, I walked up on the bridge to see all the runners going across. It was pretty cool to see the bridge - which I usually see packed with cars - full of runners.

As fun as it was to see all the runners, I was pretty happy to be watching in my cosy jacket and heading back inside for my breakky. Laziness has its perks!

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