Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shipping misadventures

Do you remember this crate?

If so, you're doing better than our shipping company!

Sigh.... It's a long, funny story. Here's the short version:

Our crate full of furniture, cookware, clothes, and bikes was scheduled to arrive in Melbourne two weeks ago after a 14 week journey across the ocean. We sent our processing money and crate keys down to the shipping company in Melbourne as soon as we got word that our ship was in port.

After not hearing anything from our contact in Melbourne, Toby called to check in. Of course, it took more than one phone call, but when he did get to speak to someone, Toby mentioned our name and that he was calling to check on the status of our crate through customs.

Apparently, the shipper knew right away who Toby was:

"There's something going on that's got us quite baffled, mate."

"What's that?"

"Your crate is empty."

I believe that then there was a moment of silence and then some defeated laughter from Toby. And then, in true Australian style, the shipper casually said:

"You'll probably want to talk to your shipping company about this."

Yes, yes we certainly did!!

Unfortunately the news was not great when we talked to them. There was a mix-up in the warehouse in Charleston, and an empty cate was shipped over and ours stayed there. Clearly a pretty big breakdown in procedure! This means it will be a few more weeks of minimal living for us. We're actually pretty used to it now, but unfortunately we were counting on having our warm-weather clothes by this time, since it's been getting up into the 80's.

On the plus side, the crate is now being express shipped directly to Sydney, and we're getting reimbursed for things we have to buy in the interim. So it will all work out OK. (Knock on wood!!)

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