Saturday, December 29, 2012

A movie & an afternoon in the parks

As our Christmas present to each other, we bought tickets to go see The Hobbit, which opened on Boxing Day here. This was our Christmas present because 1) we don't have a lot of extra spending money and 2) movies are craaaazy expensive here.

To prove it, here's our ticket for the day:

And here's my face when we're on the way to a $53 movie.

The movie experience was pretty much the same as going to a movie in America. There were a few differences though. For one, when you order movie tickets online, you get to pick your seats. This was a pretty exciting prospect for Toby!

The other big difference is the seats in the theater. They're nice, big, and comfy - more like non-reclining recliners.

All-in-all, we enjoyed our first Australian movie experience. And, given the price tag, it might be the last! =)

We grabbed a bite for lunch and then decided to head into the city to enjoy the lovely weather in some of the parks.

First we walked out to Hyde Park.








Then we walked across the street to the aquatic center.




And into the Domain...






There was evidence of the upcoming New Years celebrations.


Lots of fencing set up to corral the masses.


Art Gallery of New South Wales

The library

The library with a T-Dog

Australia Customs House
By this time, we were back to Circular Quay, so we jumped on a ferry and rode home to rest our tired feet!


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