Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday afternoon ramble

Saturday was a beautiful day: sunny but not oppressively hot. While Toby caught up on some much-needed game time with friends, I went out for a walk.

I stayed on our side of the harbor and wandered east toward Neutral Bay.

I passed this ancient business, which looks like it hasn't changed in 100 years.

Came across Milsons Park, which had some beautiful flowers in bloom.

When I got to Neutral Bay, I found a nice secluded walkway along the shore.

It was getting pretty warm by this time, so I decided to head back toward home. Luckily, I found a bit of shade on the way back.

I passed some kids (ok, maybe they were my age) having a good ole Australian Saturday.

I got back into the northern villages where the sidewalks are just attached to the hills as best as they can be.

And before I knew it, I was back to home base.

Bonus pics

These pictures are from an after-dinner walk we took on Tuesday. We went west in North Sydney and had great views of the sunset.


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