Monday, October 13, 2014

Sweden day 7: Stockholm bound

We got up bright and early on Friday to catch a train up to Stockholm. We took a slower train, so the trip was almost 5 hours. But Michelle had clever plans for our trip: she'd booked us in a first class carriage and had planned lots of fun snacks!

The little cabin was really cool! We had it all to ourselves, and it was a lot like the train in the Harry Potter movies. One of us was especially excited about this!

We got to see lots of countryside on the trip, and it was beautiful. There was a noticeable difference as we got farther north: there were bigger hills (the south is really flat), and there were big groves of pine and birch trees. And we are here at a perfect time because all the leaves are turning.

We played games and had snacks. And before we knew it, we were at Stockholm Central Station.

We found our airbnb apartment easily; it's in Soderman, which is in a hipster little area of Stockholm. The apartment is really cool: very Swedish and modern.

Then we headed out to check out Gamla Stan in our last couple hours of daylight. Gamla Stan is the Old Town, and all the old cobblestone streets and tiny alleyways look just like I imagine they did in the 13th century. We all LOVED walking around the streets.

But more on Gamla a Stan later! We finished the day with takeaway Mexican food back in the warm apartment. Stockholm was waiting!

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