Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sweden day 4: Copenhagen

Day 4 was not in Sweden at all: it was all Copenhagen all day!

The most notable thing about the day overall is that we definitely got the Scandinavian weather experience! It was gray almost all day, and at about noon, it started rainy steadily. Oh, and it was super windy, did I mention that?!

So for those reasons, there are a few less pictures of the day than usual than there might have been otherwise.

We started our day by finding a nice little cafe for breakky.

Then, fueled up, we headed out to check out some Copenhagen landmarks. We caught the train up to Central Station to start our meandering.

We walked by Tivoli, which we learned is the second oldest amusement park in the world. It was getting decorated up for Halloween!

This building reminded us that it was a brisk 10 degrees (around 50 F).

Copenhagen City Hall square
Canals throughout the city
Christianborg Palace
Danish Jewish museum
Castle in the background on the left, museum on the right

The library was on my list of places to see, so everyone patiently walked with me until we found it. I totally thought it was worth the walk; I'm not sure that view was shared.

The outside of the library
The inside of the library

I really liked the library! I definitely could have spent hours there, but we headed on to see other parts of the city. Next time...

Our next stop was a 20 minute walk away. We were hoping to climb the spire at Church of our Saviour. Unfortunately, the tower was closed due to bad weather. Did I mention that it was super, super windy?!

The spire down the street and the look of wind-beaten dejection

We were quite close to Freetown Christiana, which is one of Chris and Michelle's go-to places in Copenhagen. It's kind of a weird place: it's 84 acres in the middle of the city. There are several hundred people that live there, and they consider Christiana to be independent from Copenhagen and the EU. Copenhagen does not consider it to be independent, but it does have some special laws that let it get away with things that other areas do not.

One of the entrances to Christiana

Basically, it's meant to be a self-governing home for free-spirits, artists, and people that need a helping hand. However, it's most known for the main street of the village where you can buy weed. You aren't allowed to take pictures in the main part, but if you picture a bunch of hippy/military-themed stalls, grungy dirt paths, and not so pleasant looking people watching you, you've got a mental picture of Christiana. However, to be fair, it was early on a Tuesay; it obviously gets more lively and happy on sunny weekends and afternoons!

By this time, we'd been walking around in the cold wind for 5 hours, so it was lunch time. We refueled at a cool organic restaurant in the Meatpacking District called Bio Mio. It was a super tasty lunch, so we sat for a while and watched the city.

Then Copenhagen added rain to the mix. So we decided to catch a bus up to the most well known brewery in Denmark: Carlsberg Brewery. Toby had a Carlsberg beer on the plane, so we were excited to check out this true taste of Denmark!

We spent the afternoon checking out the brewery, learning about the history of how Carlsberg has contributed to the Copenhagen community (which is a lot!), and sampling the beers. It was a perfect way to spend a cold, rainy afternoon. And the beer was good too!

On our way out of the brewery grounds, I saw this sign. It was a good segue to our next activity: eating at one of the top 10 pizza places in Copenhagen!

We had great pizza! And we got nice and toasty warm too! It was a really great need to our day in Copenhagen.



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