Friday, December 27, 2013

What do you do on Boxing Day? You shop!

The day after Christmas is also a holiday here: Boxing Day. Lots of stuff goes on on Boxing Day: the Sydney-Hobart sailing race kicks off (which we went to see last year), there is a big cricket match (I'm pretty sure!), and there are big Black Friday-like sales. The group decided we'd go out and check out the sales and do a bit of shopping.

So we headed out to the CBD. First stop was the Lindt cafe, which is pretty amazing no matter how many times you see it!

They had a "gingerbread house" (but really I think it was all chocolate). Theirs has really held up much better than our did - maybe the cooler case had something to do with it!?

Then we headed over to the mall. Or as Toby would say, we headed for a mistake!

See how happy we all are?
We soon decided to get away from the mall! We decided to head down to Chinatown; seeing all the Asian food options in Sydney but not getting to try it has been killing him!
Michelle, T, and I decided to get a snack beforehand so we wouldn't have to eat in Chinatown. =)
Then we headed down George Street!
Chris was ready to find some Asian food, so we started wandering around.
We followed signs for a "food court:" they led us down a set of stairs from the Main Street, around a corner, and through a closed door. But Chris seemed happy with what we found!
Then we headed over to Paddy's Market - just because everyone should experience it once in their life!
So many things to shop for!
We honed in on just a few thing: a new carry-on suitcase & backpack for Michelle, and some mushrooms and cherries from the produce market for everyone!
Michelle and her new suitcase!
We made a quick stop at the apartment to drop off our purchases and then we went to the movies!
We saw The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. We all agreed it was good, but also very long. It felt good to sit in the theater, though, after all the shopping of the day.
We closed out the day with a classic: girls hanging out taking and the guys playing video games. Good day!

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