Sunday, September 1, 2013

Spit to Manly hike

We spent the afternoon on Sunday hiking out to Manly from the Spit bridge. It was perfect weather for hiking!

We saw a few lizards along the way. They were out enjoying the sun too.
We also saw a dolphin circling a boat anchored in this bay! I didn't get a good picture of it, but we stood and watched it for a long while.

Probably Holly's favorite part of the hike was walking by this dog beach and stopping to watching all the doggies playing in the water.

Toby was very patient with all these pauses.

See how happy he is?!
Before long, though, we were back on the path away from the beach. It was shady and cool in the forest part of the hike.

In the sunny parts, these pretty red flowers were blooming.

We stopped to take a break before the big hill climb.

Then, pretty soon, we were at the top and overlooking the bay!

The last bit of the hike felt a little long, but before too long we were back by the water and heading into Manly.

In Manly, we grabbed some lunch and then caught the ferry back home!


  1. Ha Ha in the photo above, at a quick glance it looked like you had a "fanny" pack on....whew so relieved to look again and see it was just part of the print on your shirt:) i am liking your sporty red tennis shoes. Very nice:)

    1. Hee hee, the ole fanny pack!! I will think about that every time I wear that shirt from now on! =)
