Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Final days in Sydney

Holly and I were left to ourselves for her last 2 days in Sydney. Toby was back to work and I was spending my time trying to come to terms with the fact that I was returning to the world of the working in a couple days too.

On Monday, the day started out nice and warm, so we walked over to McMahons Point for breakky like real ladies of leisure!

It was so warm and sunny, we sat outside.

We couldn't have asked for a better breakfast: super tasty food and it felt so wonderful to be soaking up the winter sun!

Then we walked down to catch the ferry over to Circular Quay. While we were waiting at the wharf, we saw some dolphins playing in the harbor! This was the first time I'd seen dolphins in the harbor, so it was super exciting!!!

It's hard to beat a day that starts with breakfast in the sun and seeing dolphins. So it's to be expected that the afternoon wasn't quite as amazing: we walked around Potts Point and checked out the area for a while. I hadn't been spent any time exploring the waterfront, so it was really fun to do it with Holly.

It started to get really windy, so we headed back to Circular Quay. We took refuge from the wind and had a little chocolate treat.

We closed out our day with a harbor cruise that came with some vouchers I'd bought. Then we headed out to Ulitmo to meet Toby for dinner at our favorite vegetarian restaurant!

It was a great day to be on vacation in Sydney!

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