Monday, September 30, 2013

Palm Beach

Saturday was a beautiful spring day. Or as T would say, it was hot, sunny, and no good! But to me it was a perfect beach day. So I joined three of my friends from work and we took the 1 1/2 hour bus ride out to the beach.

Palm Beach is a really gorgeous beach, and since it's so far outside the city, it wasn't too busy either.

The four of us found a spot, and then did what you do at the beach: whatever you want!

It was just warm enough to get hot hanging out on the sand. But the water was still really cold! So I only got in twice and both times it was realllly fast! But Andres did manage to capture some pictures.

After a couple of hours, we had planned to go get some lunch at one of the nearby cafes. Unfortunately all the power was out so there was no food to be had. Even worse, a bushfire started nearby. We noticed it when it was still small.

But within 10 minutes it was out of control and racing for the buildings at the top of the ridge.

Luckily no one was hurt and no buildings were destroyed. But the smoke, sirens, and general concern definitely added a sour note to the beach day. On the other hand, we did get to see helicopters with the water-dropping buckets, so that was fairly exciting!

Before too long, I caught a bus and began the long ride back to the city where I met up with T for a fun dinner out. Couldn't have asked for a better spring day!

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