Monday, September 16, 2013

First outdoor Saturday of the summer

It's officially not winter anymore! On Saturday it was in the 80's and sunny all day. I couldn't resist getting outside, and I also couldn't resist dragging Toby out with me.

First up was a walk across the bridge over to the Rocks for some breakky.

It was a perfect morning for walking out for breakfast.

We did some Skyping and some chores at the apartment for a while. Then in the afternoon, we decided to go down to the CBD and visit a new vegetarian burger place that just opened.

After we got our food, we walked over to Hyde Park. We found a perfect spot: shade for Toby, sun for me!

Toby did end up in the sun after a little bit and promptly said he felt like he was "on fire." He's clearly not ready for summer!

After Toby caught the bus home, I took a nice meandering walk back through the city.

I saw this sign outside a pub on my way home. After such a happy, perfect, outdoors-y day, I reckon we could put the same sign up outside our door!

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