Thursday, September 5, 2013

My saddest day in Sydney

The day finally came for Holly to leave. Neither of us were ready to say goodbye, so we spent the morning pretending that wasn't going to happen.

Of course there was packing to be done. But we also had time for one last walk.

Then one final cab ride to the airport.

I will skip the scene that occurred when we had to say goodbye at the airport. Or the one that happened when I got back to the apartment that evening and didn't have my sister there waiting on me. Instead, I'll focus on things like the fact that she made it back home safely and she loved her trip down under. We both had so much fun exploring Australia and seeing new things together. And of all the things we wanted to do in Sydney, there were only six left in the "undone" column.

That's pretty good!
It was an amazing and perfect 2 1/2 weeks together, and I'm so blessed to have a sister who would spend all the time and money to come see us here!


  1. What an awesome opportunity to explore more of Australia with your sister! Also, we share the same coping technique, "so we spent the morning pretending that wasn't going to happen." I love it!

    1. Aw thanks!! We were really good at pretending she wasn't leaving right until we had to walk away from each other at the airport. Then things got bad!! =)

  2. When I visited my expat daughter in Croatia in May, and her husband asked me, "So what do you think?", and I replied, "Living as an expat, you bond so much with your fellow expats, and you can't really engage in anything local, like politics or community activism, I wouldn't want to live like that." But, that was in a Slavic language (Balkan civil car f#cked) country. vs an English speaking country (actually, vs US, state. Population === 21M; Oz === Ohio re population. So I think, you and T can be great Ozzies. But, the sooner you commit, such that you can get involved at all levels, the better. Don't go the expat route.

    1. I definitely see what you mean; it's easy to think about living here as very temporary. On the one hand, it's good because it forces us to keep taking advantage of being here and not to not waste our time here. But on the other, as you say, it also makes it easy to not truly engage with the community local a local would. Wise words! =)
