Sunday, February 8, 2015

Watching the big game!

And by big game, I mean the AFC Cup of course!

I had never heard of the Asian Cup before a few weeks ago when I started seeing signs and posters for it around the city. The Asian Cup is kind of like the World Cup for countries in the Asia Pacific region, and the Cup is every two years. This year, Australia made it to the final, so it was a big deal here!

Out in the city the day before, there were plenty of people in the Aussie Green and Gold colors.

Since it was a soccer event, we had to celebrate properly too. So we planned some good game snacks, used my kangaroo cookie cutter to make some proper dippers, and settled in for a fun game night!

Toby's Packers jersey was the closest for being team colors!
After a tense fight in extra time, Australia pulled off the win against South Korea! It was a great game!

And as for the American "big game" - the Super Bowl - that falls on a Monday during work. No Super Bowl parties for us this year!

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