Friday, February 13, 2015

Playing hooky on a Thursday!

Well, I suppose it's not technically hooky if you tell your manager that you're taking a few hours of leave. But leaving work at mid-day to go to the beach still feels pretty great!

The Australian Open of Surfing was on this week and Thursday was supposed to be full of sun and breeze, so Toby and I headed out to Manly to watch the surfing competition. The competition is a weeklong, from Sunday to Sunday, and the women's semi-finals was on Thursday. We don't really know anything about surfing competitions, but it how can you go wrong watching people surf at the beach!?

I caught the 2 o'clock ferry up from the city and Toby caught a bus from work, and we met up at Manly. The town has been taken over for the open! There are concerts going on in the evenings and there the random things you see at an event like this. For example, a pop-up fitness competition. 

Along the beach, there were lots of fun sponsor exhibits, food trucks, and random surfing displays.

The beach has been taken over too. They've constructed a giant concert pavilion on the beach, as well as a skating stadium. Apparently there's also a skating competition going on at the same time as the surfing one.

We grabbed a spot in the semi-shade on the beach wall and watched some heats!

The surfing was super fun to watch! We of course know nothing about how any of the heats were scored and really how they were run, but we managed to follow along. It was really fascinating, watching the waves and trying to see which ones were going to turn into something. 

The waves weren't huge and they definitely seemed to be getting less good through the afternoon. But occasionally a good one would come in and then it was just so exciting!

We stayed for a good while watching the surfing. Then, we made time for some gelato, as you must do when you'e at the beach to watch surfing!

By the time we were done with our day, the clouds were starting to roll in. So we had a nice cloudy ferry ride back to the city.

A pretty good Thursday!

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