Monday, February 23, 2015

A few misc pics of the week

There was a dinner with the vego people at work. The dinner was at a restaurant down by Hyde Park. I snapped this pic of St Mary's in the afternoon light on my way to dinner. 

Even though our office building doesn't *really* allow dogs, people bring their dogs in by the back lift. Doggie Jess hung out with us while we were workshopping the other week!

And we also celebrated World Nutella Day on February 5th. The best way to celebrate World Nutella Day? Eat nutella out of the biggest jar ever!

And here's a handsome fellow that I had breakfast with on the weekend. 

And finally, Toby got an email offer for the latest Pizza Hut pizza special. If there is a grosser sounding pizza concoction in the world, I don't know what it would be. 

1 comment:

  1. A whole day devoted to Nutella? Sign me up. I have a no bake cookie recipe that features Nutella, i should say that stars Nutella. i'll email it to you, if you like. Please tell me that Mitey pizza is a joke....that is truly revolting:(
