Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Picnicking in Elizabeth Bay

On Saturday I went out to Elizabeth Bay for a housewarming/picnic hosted by a work colleague. He'd just gotten an apartment down in the Potts Point/Elizabeth bay area. As is the case with many Sydney apartments, his apartment space was simply too small to hold all the people he wanted to include (it was literally smaller than many hotel rooms), so he turned it into a picnic in a nearby park.

I went down through Potts Point to get to the event, which is an area I don't go to much. After walking through the streets, I wondered why I don't! It's a really lovely area with lots of cute cafes and happy people in the streets.

Our picnic was in Arthur McElhone Reserver, which was a pretty small park with an amazing view of the harbour. 

Lots of people turned out, all bringing food and drinks. We all spread out on towels and blankets and enjoyed the afternoon!

One of the highlights had nothing to do with the picnic: it was seeing a local walking her bird on her shoulder. She stopped to let it drink out of the fountain and then it hopped back up on her shoulder. I guess you'll never know what you'll see when you're out on a Sunday!


  1. I have seen a water fountain exactly like that in Stockholm Sweden. Super cool! Those birds are Australian White Ibis's by the way. I am still insanely jealous of the birds down there!

    1. Yes, nice call about the Ibis! They are kind of considered pests here; they have no personal space when you're trying to eat your lunch outside. I personally find them intimidating, but come visit and you can teach me to appreciate them. =)
