Friday, December 19, 2014

My week turns around with a special arrival

I was rewarded at the end of this hard week with the arrival of someone who loves Sydney so much that she should be the one living here!


I waited at the airport for over an hour for her to clear passport control and customs. Luckily, I bumped into a fellow expat from the office who was waiting on his family to arrive from Spain so we could be anxious together. Unluckily, it turned out that the clearing customs bit went really quickly since Holly's bags were still in LA.

So we went for a late breakky and did some necessities shopping in the CBD before we headed home for a shower and a rest.

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing what I should do all the time living here: walking around the harbour and enjoying the sunny day!

As soon as Toby was home from work, we packed up a little picnic and some New Zealand champagne and went for a proper Christmas/holiday celebration picnic.

We called it a night early and fell asleep watching Depsicable Me - gotta rest up for the big things ahead!!! And hopefully the arrival of some luggage too!


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