Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas is coming!

Just like the past two years, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all. We've had a few record-setting days of heat, so when you're sweating as soon as you wake up, it's hard to remember the holidays are right around the corner. But luckily the city decorators haven't forgotten!

The QVB looking Christmas-y

The lobby of the heritage Dymocks Building

In Kirribilli, a sidewalk chalk drawing of a Christmas tree has appeared. We can't figure out exactly where to stand to make it look right (since standing on the feet definitely doesn't seem to do it), but it's still really cool nonetheless! And it makes me happy to have it there!

 The giant tree is back in Martin Place!

And there are some lovely window displays going on. LIke this one at the BonBon chocolate store. 

Near this window is also a giant lego Christmas tree. And yes, it's made of Legos! It's pretty cool!

This weekend's Kirribilli markets had some Christmas trees for sale. We don't really have room for one, but I liked seeing the trees around!

Just 2 weeks til Christmas!!!!

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