Sunday, December 21, 2014

Beach walk and Christmas

Day 2 of Holly's visit started with some skyping, as all good Saturdays do. Then we headed out to try breakky at a new Turkish restaurant in McMahons Point.

The breakfast was overall delicious - lots of flavors, spices, and sauces. Toby loved it!

Then we grabbed a GoGet car and headed up to Collaroy to check out a beach walk that I've been eyeing for a while. T and I got rained out a few weeks ago when we'd planned to try it, so I was just as happy to do it with Holly. I think Toby was also pretty pleased because he volunteered to stay home and wait for the possible delivery of luggage while we were out. (Yay for luggage!) So it was a win-win all around!

The beach walk was really great. There was a big portion of it that went through curated bush/parkland, but we skipped most of that and spent the majority of our time on the shore.


The beach portion of the walk was really cool - there was a big range of rock types and geology to check out. And lots of little sealife to look at!


The walk is on the Long Reef Reserve, so we walked all the way out to the point of the long reef. It took a while because there was lots of water still on the reef so we had to carefully choose our path out to the point.


It was also slow going because the geologist had to stop and inspect many interesting rock features, like these rocks that formed a row of almost even points.

To get back to the car, we hiked up to the reef overlook and then took a shady walk back down.

After a stop by the apartment to hydrate, recharge our batteries, and pack, Holly and I headed out to Carols in the Domian. Every year the Woolworths grocery store chain puts on a free Christmas show that includes lots of carol singing and performances. I've always wanted to go, and this year I had someone with me who would also want to go!

I didn't realize, however, what a big deal it was. The pre-show started at 3, with the main event kicking off at 8:30. We arrived at 5:30 and clearly were late to the party: the entire Domain was already filled up with tents and people had clearly been camped out all day for the event! We made our way through the crowd and managed to find a patch of grass behind the bins for us to sit.

The good thing about sitting behind the bins was that not many people crowded in around us. The bad thing was that we couldn't see the stage or hear very well. So we didn't stay too long - I think I mark Carols in the Domian off my to-do list!

Even though the Carols were kind of a bust, we had a great walk back to the station - we stopped to look at the Christmas tree in Hyde Park:

And we walked through Pitt Street Mall to look at the Christmas lights and the cool Lego tree there:

We also looked at the David Jones windows, which are so much fun every year! This year they told a little story about reindeer, and they were so cute!

But waiting on us at home was our own little Christmas celebration! Many lovely family and friends had sent us gifts via Holly, and we had some things from Santa that had just been waiting on Holly's arrival to open!

What a wonderful Christmas!


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