Sunday, December 7, 2014

American Thanksgiving!

We were lucky this year to get to celebrate two Thanksgivings: after our very international one, we had an American-hosted Thanksgiving on the Sunday after.

But first, we skyped with the family at home:

Then we headed out to Glebe for a full-out American dinner! Tony and Rena arrived in Sydney in June, and they didn't let the challenge of finding the right ingredients stop them from making a great spread: turkey, rolls, broccoli casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, and cranberry sauce!

Of course, it wasn't complete without dessert - banana pudding and pumpkin pie!

After skyping with Hudson, it was nice to be able to give some pats to a dog in person. Wilbur is a friendly little soul, and he was pretty happy about the Thanksgiving party!

We listened to Christmas music and talked about the holidays and our various traditions. It made us feel like we weren't so very far from home after all!

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