Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sweden day 11, 12, and 13

Day 10 of Sweden was spent mainly in checking out of our apartment and catching the train back down to Lund. We had another fun, first class train ride with snacks and games.

And then our last few days were upon us! We spent them hanging out around Staffanstorp and Lund, just chilling out and enjoying being together.

There was lots of good homemade meals, courtesy of Chris! Like mushroom risotto (with some Aussie Hunter Valley wine!).

There were homemade crepes for breakfast on our last day.

Michelle also contributed to our waistlines by making a Swedish dessert for us, kladdkaka. It was like a fudgy cross between a brownie and chocolate cake, and it was soooo good! This one's going in my recipe box.

Besides eating at home, we also went to a vegetarian Indian restaurant in Lund for lunch one day. Chris and Michelle discovered this on their very first few days in Sweden and have been waiting on us to visit so Toby could get his curry on with them!

We also went to a wine and cheese tasting at a cute little cheese shop in Lund. Even though it was all in Swedish, we had fun!

Here are the guys at the wine and cheese tasting. This is typically how it goes when I try to take pictures of them for my blog.

Sweden made sure we didn't leave without getting some legitimate Swedish weather. Our three days in Staffanstorp and Lund were very gray, if not downright rainy and cold.

But that didn't stop us from going out and doing some fun things! We spent a day checking out all the sights of Lund, like walking around a cool Swedish furniture store. Everything in it was so different and modern - I loved it!

We also did some fun window shopping in the city center of Lund. The streets in the main part of the city are all cobblestones and the buildings have heaps of character. So it was just fun to walk around all the cute shops. And, of course, the requisite H&M!

We also paid a visit to Michelle's office. She works at ESS (European Spallation Source). Her job is super cool: right now ESS is in the planning phase of the proton accelerator that will be built in Lund in the coming years. It's a partnership project between many European countries so their scientists can come and do research at the facitlity. Michelle does important work like planning the requirements for all the lab buildings, making sure they'll support the different types of materials that will be used in experiments, the building materials are sustainable, things like that. It's a fascinating project, and we are proud to know a scientist who's making such an impact on the future of science!

The rest of our time was spent playing games, catching up on TV shows, and hanging out with this guy.

Before we knew it, it was time to start the journey home. We had an amazing visit in Sweden! Stockholm was absolutely beautiful, as was Copenhagen. Our food experiences were fun, tasty, and adventurous. Learning about Swedish culture and oddities was fascinating. But, of course, the best thing was just hanging out with our friends! We can't wait to go back!

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