Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Art and About and some random happenings

It's seriously springtime now. In fact, we had record-breaking temperatures on Monday and Tuesday: 33 degrees! It made me feel so giddy about summer being right around the corner. Of course, some people got disgruntled about it being so hot already. But those people just don't get it!

Since it's springtime, it's time for Art and About on Sydney! At lunchtime this week, I went out for a walk to Hyde Park to check out the outdoor art exhibits.


These tepees were also part of the exhibits. They were kind of weird, with lights and music going on. But they're supposed to be seen at night, so I guess maybe I should go back and give them a second chance!


Some other art has been on display too. This "yuk!" art is part of an anti-littering campaign to keep people from throwing their cigarette butts around. It's filled with butts picked up from around the city. It's gross but cool at the same time.


And lastly, on the train on Sunday, this fellow really got into the spirit of spring. He was fully clothed when I got on, but decided to take off his shirt after a while. At least he was still wearing his pants when I got off!


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