Monday, October 13, 2014

Stockholm by boat

Michelle threw out the suggestion of taking a boat ride around the city, so we looked up one of the tourist cruises. It turned out to be one of the coolest things we did!

We took the Twelve Bridges tour, which as you might expect, took us under twelve bridges around the city. While we were in Stockholm, we heard it called "the Venice of the North" a couple times (although the Internet says that a lot of European cities are called that). And after our boat ride, I thought it was a good slogan.

We had a beautiful sunny afternoon for our tour.

It was an audio tour, hence Chris' headphones. Sitting in the sun felt soooo good. I think a couple of us might have snuck a nap or two. =)

But it was an amazing way to see the city!

The Grand Hotel
The Nordic museum and the Vasa museum on the right
Gröna Lund amusement park
Buildings of Soderman
The Royal Palace and buildings of Gamla Stan

On the tour, we went through two locks. There are lots of locks around Stockholm, we learned. The tour told us that the locks help keep the city protected from the string currents of the Baltic Sea. There are tons of locks around the city, and it was really interesting going through them.

The lock opening


It was a great way to see the city!


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