Saturday, July 19, 2014

World Cup Mania

So now that the World Cup is over, we can get back to our normal sleep, work, and blog schedules!

World Cup games were at pretty inconvenient times here in Australia. Many of the first round games were at 2 AM and others were at 5 or 6 AM. That didn't stop us from watching every USA, Australia, Germany, and Netherlands game. And a few others as well!

Most of the games we watched at home. 2 AM games were watched from the sofa-turned-bed. Some 5 and 6 AM games called for fun game food before we headed off to work.

Like the England game we made mini breakfast pies for.

And the final, when we made German Apple pancakes. Adele came over in her PJs for the game before we headed off to work.

We also ventured out to watch the Netherlands versus Argentina game. Quite a few pubs opened for the early games around Sydney, and because there are so many expats, I think they always had a crowd. On the Thursday morning we went out, the pub was pretty full: it ran out of food and it was packed with Argentina fans chanting and singing!

We learned at this game that it's never too early for a beer - even if you're heading to work afterward!
We found our friends from Holland. It was pretty easy to spot the few orange shirts in the crowd of blue and white!

Game watching aside, Toby stayed in the World Cup spirit with his soccer-style hair. He'd agreed with his workmates to start the tournament with a mohawk. And if the US made it out of the group stage, the mohawk would be dyed red. So even when there was no game to watch, he was fully in the spirit of things!

It was a fun month - always something fun to talk about with fellow fans at work.  I don't know what we'll do with ourselves now that it's over, but I'm sure I will find something!

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