Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sydney Cooking School

This week my team from work had a fun activity: we spent the afternoon at the Sydney Cooking School! The cooking school didn't seem to be an actual training school; I think it was pretty much for parties and events like ours.

My team is pretty diverse: three Australians, two Brits, two Americans, and one Chinese. So no matter what we cooked, we were all guaranteed to learn something new.

We made quite a few dishes. Well, we really did quite a bit of watching while our chef demonstrated how to make things and had us help in a minimal way. But we did get hands on with some chopping, mashing potatoes, AND making pasta! I was especially excited about the pasta making because it's something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

We ended up making (or contributing to) a lot of dishes: ratatouille, Paris mashed potatoes, tomato sauce, lamb racks, pasta, and melting chocolate cakes. It was amazing!

It was a super fun afternoon. And I liked the ratatouille so much, I made it for T a few days later!


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