Monday, April 28, 2014

U.S. trip: Kingston, TN

Kingston is home for me, so it was family time in Kingston!

First, though, we stopped in Knoxville to see some friends. We saw friends with kids who have grown like crazy! And we met a new baby for the first time, which was a little bittersweet, considering all that we've missed. But our friends seemed just the same, and somehow all the more wonderful for the absence. It was a really happy day but it went by far too quickly.

But Toby managed to get a little playing time in. =)

Family time was wonderful! We went hiking...

Rode a paddleboat down the Tennesseee River for my parents' big birthdays coming up this year...

Saw a few more friends...

Had lots of home-cooked meals...

The best mayonnaise ever!
And generally enjoyed the peacefulness and happiness of being with family.

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