Sunday, April 6, 2014

Budapest: misc pics & notes

Budapest was amazingly beautiful. I feel like none of my pictures really do it justice, because at any given place you are surrounded by beauty on at least three sides. That didn't stop me from trying, though! Here are a few of my favorites that don't fit into the themes of the other posts:

Market time...

View of the Danube and Buda
It was springtime in Budapest, and the weather was gorgeous. It would be a bit chilly in the mornings and evemings, sometimes enough for my coat. But during the afternoons it would warm right up and be perfect for walking around.
Lovely spring weather! (Especially after the Polish "spring!")
The Danube from the Chain Bridge
Hungarian National Gallery
One thing I did not love about Budapest was the smoking - it seemed constant and everywhere. You couldn't go down the sidewalk without feeling like you were inhaling a whole cigarette. And all the cafes allowed smoking on the patios. I hadn't realized what a difference it makes to eat at places where smoking is against the rules, but it most certainly does!

The Statue of Liberty

Just one of the lovely streets in Budapest
More lovely street sightings

A bridge over the pond in Varosliget
This was Heroes' Square. We learned that all the people there were attending a political rally in support of the current president, who is up for re-election soon.

Heroes' Square
And a few night pics:

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