Tuesday, April 29, 2014

U.S. trip: Charlotte, NC

We started and ended our trip in Charlotte, where Holly lives. This clever plan of mine to fly in and out of Charlotte somewhat backfired on me, because I think there were more tears at the airport on departure day than when we originally left the U.S. This picture of Hudson on packing day captures the mood pretty well:

Nevertheless, we had a fantastic time in Charlotte with Holly and Scott!
We made a fancy cheese dinner, with the signs courtesy of me and Holly and the wine picks courtesy of Scott...

We rented bikes and rode on the greenway...

We had cantina night, so Toby and I could stay on our Mexican eating kick. (Dogs were allowed at the cantina)...

And, as only appropriate for being in Charlotte, we rode serious go-karts!

This picture captures how Holly felt about the experience:

But we also played cornhole and had some local beers after our race, which made things better!

We did lots of shopping, cooking, and most of all just hanging out for the three days we were there. As usual, when Holly and I are together, we found all kinds of things that I should buy at the shops, but in this case, I felt justified buying clothes that were half the price I could get them in Sydney! And we also had a long list of things to make together; we actually found time to make vanilla ice cream and thyme crackers. Successes all around!

We also had plenty of time to hang out with this guy:

I tried to put him in my suitcase but Toby said no.

It was pretty much the best end to our U.S. holiday that we could ask for, tears notwithstanding.

Monday, April 28, 2014

U.S. trip: Kingston, TN

Kingston is home for me, so it was family time in Kingston!

First, though, we stopped in Knoxville to see some friends. We saw friends with kids who have grown like crazy! And we met a new baby for the first time, which was a little bittersweet, considering all that we've missed. But our friends seemed just the same, and somehow all the more wonderful for the absence. It was a really happy day but it went by far too quickly.

But Toby managed to get a little playing time in. =)

Family time was wonderful! We went hiking...

Rode a paddleboat down the Tennesseee River for my parents' big birthdays coming up this year...

Saw a few more friends...

Had lots of home-cooked meals...

The best mayonnaise ever!
And generally enjoyed the peacefulness and happiness of being with family.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

U.S. trip: Fletcher, NC

Our first and longest stay was in Fletcher, North Carolina, where Toby's mother and brother's family live. We got there just in time to celebrate our niece and nephew's birthdays with them.

A birthday party at the fun center!

Our visit in Fletcher gave us lots of opportunity to catch up on the times we miss out on with the kiddos!

Toby chillin' with his mom and brother
Much to our surprise, Asheville got some late-season snow while we were there! We had to go to Target and buy t-shirt-packing Toby a hoodie! We were both pretty excited to see some snow after missing out on it last winter. =)

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Tennessee girl in Tennessee!

After 19 months in Sydney, it was time for a visit home. And I was so excited!!! T and I took two weeks off work, bought some plane tickets, stocked up on TimTams, and headed off. And when I say stocked up, I mean a suitcase full!

Ready for a trip to the States, land of no TimTams

Our travel was good, if long. It was an interesting trip because in many ways, it felt like we hadn't really been gone. Lots of things seemed the same, even if they had most certainly changed over the year and a half. Kids were bigger and were the most noticeably different. Other things, like hanging out with friends, felt exactly the same, like we'd just been gone for a week or two.

If I had to identify some themes for our visit, I would definely say Mexican food would be on the list. The Mexican food in Sydney is a constant compliant of mine, so we were determined to eat our weight in it while we were home! And we probably came close, between Taco Bell and Moe's trips. Thanks to our friends and families for being patient with us when these were our restaurants of choice. =)

The cheap Mexican food never got old!

Another interesting thing about our visit was that we experienced a little bit of culture shock. I hadn't realized how rarely (if ever) I see cowboy boots and camo in Sydney. But I definitely noticed their presence back in the South!

We also really noticed things about the "southern culture" a bit more than I once would have. Things like the huge and central role the Christian religion plays in everyday life, the fierce possession of guns, and on a lighter side, the way small-town life can be a little funny and very easy-going. I don't know if it's our home that's changed, or us, or maybe both, but we both noticed these differences with a fresh set of eyes.

We also stopped by the Dixie Republic, a "Southern merchandise" store in South Carolina. It's very much a novelty store, and not something that you would see every day, but it really only reinforced some of the things about our home culture that were feeling a little foreign to us.

(I didn't take pictures of the truly offensive things.)

But living in a small Southern town has its upsides. Like this great deal on hot dogs and brats at the Laptops & More store in Wartburg!

The other big theme, and definitely a happy, unintended one, was just being back in the mountains and foothills again. We rented a car for most of the time that we were there, and driving through the interstates and highways with the windows down really reminded us how lucky we are to be from such a beautiful place. It's completely different from the beauty that we see in Sydney, but it's just as lovely in its own way. Plus, it feels like "home," which is a feeling that I couldn't get enough of.

And yes, we remembered to stay on the right side of the road! =D


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Budapest: misc pics & notes

Budapest was amazingly beautiful. I feel like none of my pictures really do it justice, because at any given place you are surrounded by beauty on at least three sides. That didn't stop me from trying, though! Here are a few of my favorites that don't fit into the themes of the other posts:

Market time...

View of the Danube and Buda
It was springtime in Budapest, and the weather was gorgeous. It would be a bit chilly in the mornings and evemings, sometimes enough for my coat. But during the afternoons it would warm right up and be perfect for walking around.
Lovely spring weather! (Especially after the Polish "spring!")
The Danube from the Chain Bridge
Hungarian National Gallery
One thing I did not love about Budapest was the smoking - it seemed constant and everywhere. You couldn't go down the sidewalk without feeling like you were inhaling a whole cigarette. And all the cafes allowed smoking on the patios. I hadn't realized what a difference it makes to eat at places where smoking is against the rules, but it most certainly does!

The Statue of Liberty

Just one of the lovely streets in Budapest
More lovely street sightings

A bridge over the pond in Varosliget
This was Heroes' Square. We learned that all the people there were attending a political rally in support of the current president, who is up for re-election soon.

Heroes' Square
And a few night pics: