Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Biggest Morning Tea

Australians drink a lot of tea. I guess it's their British influences, but people are always making cuppas throughout the day. Formal teas aren't as common, but quite a few restaurants around Sydney do high teas. I haven't experienced one of these yet, but from my understanding, it's a full-on tea party with scones, canapés, and all the other fun treats you'd expect. A high tea is on the list for Holly's visit. =)

But there is one day a year in May called "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" - this is a fundraiser day for the Cancer Council. At our office, we had a baking competition. Then everyone could donate $5 to be able to sample all the baked goods and vote on their favorite. It sounded like a lot of fun, so of course I entered.
I wanted to make something that was a good taste of home, so I emailed my Grandma and requested the recipe for apple muffins that I remember coming out of her oven warm, delicious, and cinnamony. Of course, she emailed it right over and I had my dish!
I made them in a mini muffin pan so there would be plenty to go around. They turned out really cute! And I got several compliments on them, so I can be proud of the taste of Tennessee I brought to Australia.

There was a lot of good food at the tea! Since I work with so many people from all over the world, it was like taking a food tour of dozens of countries. There was pavlova, lemon meringue pie, flan, macaroons, and some Australian biscuits (plus tons of other stuff!). I can get behind this kind of tea!

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