Monday, February 18, 2013

Sae-Hae Festival, soccer, and Badde Manors

We crammed a lot of fun stuff into Saturday, in spite of the fact that we spent the whole first part of the day Skyping and that the weather was iffy.

Sae-Hae Festival

Korea Town celebrated Korean Lunar New Year with a big festival. To be honest, a lot of the activities seemed really weird to me. But it was still nice to check out all the stuff going on.
There were lots of food vendors.

And other vendors selling things unknown.

There was also some strange game that I didn't really get.

And some wrestling that was weird too. Like really weird.

See, it was all very strange.

My favorite part of the festival was the orchestra. All the members were in traditional dress and it was really awesome to watch.


After the festival, I met T at Central Station and we headed out to the soccer game. The weather looked like it was going to start raining any minute, but it held off and was perfect for the game.

It ended up being a really good match. And a couple fans of the guest team sat behind us, so we got to hear some really colorful commentary on the game. It was a fun time!

Badde Manors

After the soccer game, we headed out for a late dinner. I had read a review of this restaurant in Glebe that had an all vegetarian menu with a sort of Mediterranean twist. However, doing one of my favorite things and Toby's least favorite, I kept our dinner destination a secret so he'd be surprised when he saw a menu-full of things he'd want and could eat!

It doesn't always happen, but my surprise paid off and T was very happy.

He doesn't actually look happy here, but it's mainly because he was hungry and I was taking pictures. He was very excited.
We had a hard time choosing what to get, but Toby ended up going with crumbed stuffed mushrooms, and I got a tofu burger. They were both delicious!

The restaurant was in an older building and tables were just crammed into rooms as there was space. That gave it a nice ambience though.

We have an easy time finding vegetarian options in Sydney, but this was an especially great meal! We'll definitely plan to go back and try different menu options again soon. It has the Toby stamp of approval!


  1. Toby was the wrestler in the mask, right?

    1. Well let's just say I never saw Toby and that masked wrestler standing near each other.
