Saturday, February 23, 2013

A happy, busy week

This has been a fun, super-busy week for me.

On Tuesday I started mentoring at a local school with a group of people from Atlassian. We get time off every year to volunteer, so some of us are spending our time participating in a YMCA program for under-privileged kids in a nearby school. This was the first week of the program, so I met the kids and started getting to know them. It's a really small class - about 10 kids in the combined 5th and 6th grade class. They all seem really sweet and cute - and full of energy! One of the highlights of the day: one of the kids is named Eminem. Hee! It should be a good few weeks with the kiddos.

Here's a card one of the kids made to welcome all the mentors:

On Wednesday, my sweet co-worker Helen took her lunch break to teach me and another co-worker how to crochet. Mom taught me a long time ago, but I don't remember anything from that, so it was like starting from square one.

Helen's tutorial was on making a coaster.

My patient teacher

Getting some assistance!

Working hard
My coaster isn't yet finished, and I am far from an expert crocheter. But it was a fun lunchtime activity, and I am grateful to Helen for sharing her talents with me!

On Friday we had groceries delivered to the apartment for the first time ever. We figured out recently that we could shop online and then have everything delivered to our door for about $10. This way beats shoving our way through crowded stores and carting stuff home on the train!

The only downside to not shopping in person is that you can't see things except for on the computer screen. This, we found, can cause issues when you don't know grams very well.

Besides this small hiccup, grocery delivery was a success and completely awesome!


  1. Aww yay! Haha, glad you had fun - where's the finished product Christine?!

    1. Umm... yeah, it's coming along. =)
