Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Viva la vida Cuba!

One of the more dubious activities I've lined up for us in a while was the Viva la Vida Cuba festival this past Sunday. I say "dubious" because it was in an area of Sydney we've never had occasion to go to before. It was in a large suburb called Ryde, and specifically a part of Ryde called "Top Ryde." Why that name, I have no idea.

But T was a good sport and said he'd check it out with me. So a 35 minute bus ride out of the city, we were in Ryde and finding our little Cuba Festival.

I do not believe there's a very big Cuban population in Sydney, and what I could find on the Internet backs that up. But Sydney is home to the biggest Latin American community in Australia, so maybe that helps explain why there would be a Cuban festival here. Otherwise, I have no explanation! =)

But regardless of why such a festival was put on, it was still really fun. The stalls were nestled in a partly covered area between shopping centers, which made it feel kind of cozy.

There was a little street band adding to the ambiance. They were great and all the little kids were having a blast dancing to the music.

We found some "tex mex" food, and of course we couldn't resist giving it a shot. It was by far the most decent take on tex mex that we've had here, but no substitute for the real thing!

We had fun walking around all the stalls and checking everything out. There were even some Chevys and Buicks around!

As festivals go, it was on the small side, but what it lacked in size it made up for in enthusiasm. It was a really fun outing!

On the way home, we went back to the city a different way, and had the eery experience of being in a giant train station all alone. I had to take a picture just to capture the weird moment.

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