Tuesday, March 24, 2015

T & C's last day of summer

Fall is really setting in here. (Even though they don't use the term "fall" it's only ever "autumn"). The mornings have been cool and dark, and it's almost time to start wearing a jacket in the evenings.

But we had what I think will be the last truly hot day recently. So we decided to head out to the coast and take advantage of it! Won over by my recent adventures snorkeling, T decided we should go out to Gordon's Bay so he could check it out for himself.

The day was really nice - just around 30 degrees and nice light breeze. The surf was a little rough, but it just added some good adventure to our day!

After our water adventures, we were properly starving so we inhaled a couple veggie burgers at a small cafe in Coogee.

The face of tired

By the time we got home and washed all the saltwater off, we were good and tired, but had that satisfying feeling that only a day on the water can give you. It was the most perfect way to bid goodbye to a lovely summer!

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