Monday, January 12, 2015

Shopping in the CBD

We had big plans for the night of the 31st, so we decided to keep our morning simple by doing some fun shopping in the CBD. I basically keep a running list of places in my mind that I want to go to with Holly, so we had a pretty solid itinerary for shops to visit that day. And, maybe most importantly, a gelato shop to visit too.

The gelato place was by far the highlight; it's called N2 Extreme Gelato. This is a clever name since they make all their creations using liquid nitrogen.

They rotate in new, unique flavors all the time, so there's a whole wall of flavor archives.

We went with two of the most interesting flavors: white peach champagne and strawberry, passion fruit pavlova. They were not disappointing and they were completely fun!

Other shopping included going to my favorite stationery shop and tea shopping at T2. We also made sure to stop by La Duree for some macarons too!

Of course, we also made a stop to stock up on TimTams - why else come to Sydney!?

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