Tuesday, January 20, 2015

34 degrees? Go to the beach!

This past Saturday was nice and hot. So hot, in fact, that the only rational thing to do was go to the beach! I decided to go back up towards Manly since the last beach trip there had been so nice.

I passed some time waiting for the ferry at Milsons Point. I really don't know if I will ever get tired of this view.

Then it was off to catch the big ferry to Manly. 


Heading out to the harbour

Before I headed out to the beach, I wanted to stop by a couple of the fun beach shops in Manly. Luckily, it was still pretty early in the day so they weren't too crazy yet. So the Corso was nice and relatively quiet, which is an usual sight for a sunny Saturday. 

The Manly Yacht Club was busy with lots of people getting ready for a sail.

There also happened to be some markets on, so of course I had to stop and take a browse!

It was getting pretty hot though, and down in those tents there was absolutely no breeze. I don't know how people could stand it all day: I had to get out of there and to the beach!

It was so beautiful and hot - it was my ideal beach day!

The water felt great too. Like everyone else at the beach, I was in the water half the time staying cool.

Yup, not a bad day!!!

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