Saturday, June 7, 2014

Me + Vivid = True love forever

This is the last weekend of Vivid, which is very sad news. So on Friday night, I walked over to the Rocks and down to Luna Park to make sure I could soak up as much Vivid goodness as possible while it's still here!

There were lots of greats of little light installations tucked around the Rocks.

One of my favorites was this interactive display where you could make a symbol with your hand and it was displayed on a wall with all the other people's hands.

My other favorite was this display where you could walk under glass bottles that were lit up and hung from scaffolding.

There were also these cool guys walking in silence and not blinking. So cool!

Another high on my favorites list was this walkway, which was supposed to give you the feel of walking under the Aurora Australis.

And besides all my favorites, there were tons of other cool spots.

And my walk back to our side of the harbour was just as good.

There aren't too many lights on our side of the bridge, but like last year, people can choose the colors for the bridge.

It was an awesome evening - so many lights to love!

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