Monday, June 30, 2014

Dinner at the Italian Forum

Ever since our adventure out to the Italian Festival last year, I'd been pestering T to go back out to Leichhardt for an Italian meal. It's not that there aren't Italian restaurants around us in the city, but I really believed that the food would just be so much more Italian out in the area known for settling Italian immigrants.

So on Friday, I managed to talk him into taking the 25 minute bus ride out to Norton Street, the center for restaurants and businesses in Leichhardt. More specifically, we went out to the Italian Forum, a little area that's designed to look like a Mediterranean piazza. It's tucked away back off the main street, and you walk though a little corridor of shops and cafes to get back to it.

Winter is clearly not top season for the Italian Forum. Several of the places didn't even open that night, but we had a few places to choose from. We went for the one that had soccer playing on the big screen (surprise!) and sat outside on the edge of the plaza under the heaters.

Our food was kind of a letdown. I'd been pretty sure that I was about to eat the best Italian food of my life, but it was not to be. Toby said it was because we were in a "touristy" area, but it was so deserted I'm not sure about that. My counter was that we'll just need to go back and find a different restaurant more off the beaten path, more authentic, and more what we were hoping for. And maybe more in the summertime!

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