Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pyrmont wine & food festival

On Saturday, T and I headed over to Pyrmont for a wine and food festival. The festival was featuring products from the Mudgee region, which is north and west of Sydney. We've never been, but now I kind of feel like we have!

Of course we caught the ferry over to Pyrmont, and it was a perfect day for it! Summer is still hanging on, so it was a lovely sunny day in the 70s.

The park where the festival was held is about a ten minute walk along the harbor from the ferry wharf.

We walked by the Star casino, which reminded me again that we have yet to go there. It's now added to the winter bucket list!!

The festival was in Pirrama Park, which is a cool place because you can see both the Anzac Bridge and the Harbour Bridge from the park. It wasn't too crowded when we first got there, which made both of us (but especially one of us!) happy.

The way the festival was set up was that you paid twenty dollars for a glass and five tasting tickets. I thought twenty dollars for five tastings seemed kind of pricey, but it turns out that at 11 in morning, five is plenty.

There was also a little bit of food to try, like these fun cheeses.

And we didn't eat anything at this place, but Toby loved the name of it so it was worthy of a picture.

It was a lovely day, and bonus, I found $2 on the ground! And double bonus, my level of excitement about free money made Toby laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I love your white dress and brown boots - super cute!! What a fun day!
