Monday, May 19, 2014

High tea at Gunners' Barracks

On Sunday, Adele and I went to high tea in Mosman, a little suburb about 15 minutes north of where we live. The tea was in a sandstone building called the Gunners' Barracks. Like the name suggests, the building is part of historic fortifications built to protect the city (the barracks building was built in 1873).

Next to the barracks are a set of convalescence buildings from World War II. Now they are offices and house random businesses, but they look pretty much like I imagine they did during the war. The main building was called the Hospital on the Hill, and apparently it now has an exhibit about the area during the war. I didn't get to see it during our tea visit, so it's on the list now!

The area overlooks the harbor, which means there are great views for people to enjoy as they drink their tea nowadays! The old tunnels with musket loopholes are still there too.

We had a lovely table outside overlooking the water.

And the tea was amazing - all of the food was great and there was so much of it! The egg salad sandwiches were curried (pretty much how it's always served here) and the scones were served with jam and clotted cream: I felt downright British!

We had a great time on our girly, fun tea adventure!

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