Monday, May 5, 2014

A trifecta of weekend celebrations!

This was a BIG weekend: the Derby, May the Fourth (Star Wars Day), and an advance celebration of Cinco de Mayo! The only one of those that's even somewhat commonly celebrated here is May the Fourth. One of the movie theaters was doing a celebration where you could buy tickets to watch all the movies. Luckily for me, T decided we could just watch them on DVD at home. He even thought of a way to combine it with a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Since Cinco de Mayo is pretty much unheard of here, we had our own nacho fiesta on Sunday. One thing I can say about Australia is that we always have fantastic avocados!

Our other celebration was in the form of Derby Pie cookie bars. I couldn't find walnuts so I made do with pecans. But rest assured there was some real Kentucky bourbon in there!

We didn't actually watch the race, but I would argue Derby Pie is the best part of that holiday anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this looks so delicious! Your Derby pie is always out of this world, and I LOVE avocados. Thanks for making my mouth water! :)
