Saturday, April 13, 2013

Something we've noticed...

So pretty much as soon as we got here, we noticed something strange. And gross. I've managed to capture it on camera a couple times, but now that it's turning fall we probably won't see it as much. So I figured it was time to post about this oddity.

Australians like to go barefoot. Like in public places. Like in really dirty public places.

For example, on the train....


At the airport...

To be fair, the airport guy's shoes are right beside him. But I noticed he wasn't wearing them because he came back from the bathroom barefoot. Eeeewww!

Now this guy - he might carrying a bag his shoes could be in? But judging from the color of the soles of his feet, I don't think he wears them much.

Who needs shoes for hanging out with mates?
Toby met me at my office one day at work, and while he was waiting in the building lobby, he saw one of my workmates leave the office with no shoes. I wish that I could say he only took off his shoes to leave the building, but some people seem to take off their shoes for the day when they get to their desk. (Or maybe they just didn't put them on at all that day?) Granted, it's a small number of people at work that are consistently barefoot and it's a very casual office. But I still don't think I'll ever get used to this weird habit.


  1. So, they are either descended from Kentuckians, or Hobbits! Both are equally acceptable.

  2. Ha! I'm a culprit about no shoes in the office. I've brought said weird habit to the SF office too, much to the chagrin (and disgust) of my workmates. Going barefoot outside is a little too weird though, even for me!


  3. First of all, eew. I can't even.
