Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our place

Since we got our stuff a few weeks ago, I've been slack about putting up pictures of our apartment. So since we were stuck in the apartment today, I decided it was time to show all our family & friends our place!

After I finished my video, I thought of a few other things I should mention.

One of thr most important things in our kitchen is our new food scale. I had to buy one since food here - like butter - comes in weird shapes. After some failed dishes that involved guessing at measurements, I'd had enough and always use the scale now!

Some of the best parts of our apartment are the touches of home we have. Like this awesome picture that our nephew drew.

If you can't make it all out, that's a picture of everyone in the family fighting off zombies in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Makes me smile every time!

We also have pictures of people we love and miss. I wonder what they would think of us being in Australia?

Of course we have some Knoxville-mementos.

And our home would not be complete without some super hero kitchen utensils.

The New Orleans art is from our dear friends who are now in Sweden. How much things can change in just a year or two!!

Anyway, that's our place! It's small - a smaller place than I ever imagined I would live in - but we have kept the things that we really love. So it feels like home to us. =)


  1. Hi, you two! It's so great to follow your blog and see what you guys are doing "down under." You're doing a great job keeping us posted and I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate it. New apartment looks great...doesn't take much time to keep it clean, does it?
    Love to you both,
    Aunt Susie

    1. Hi Aunt Susie! Thanks for being such a faithful reader. And you are right - we knock out the cleaning really quickly! Hee! Also, it's sort of reaffirmed that Toby & I are compatible; I don't think you can live in such a small space with someone if you don't REALLY like them. =)

      Thanks for the comment! Hope you all are well & ready for spring! Love to you all!

  2. Look at that slab of butter! All you need in a kitchen.

    1. Arteries don't clog themselves! =)

  3. Thanks for the tour! The apartment is great. Your kitchen is bigger than the one we had in our house. I got a little choked up when you guys were waving bye, that was unexpected. I guess I'm just really wanting to visit! Less than a year now =)

    1. Yay! We'll be hanging out with you here before you know it!
