Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jibber jabber

Before we came here, I definitely had some preconceived notions about Australians. Probably like most Americans, I pictured men being more like Paul Hogan than Hugh Jackman. But working daily with Australians who talk about things like Java classes, API calls, and UI design quickly stripped me of that notion. Turns out computer stuff is just as boring and straight-laced in an Australian accent as an American one.

However, here and there I've gotten a taste of "less-refined" Aussies, and it always makes me so excited when my stereotyped vision of what living here would be like comes true. =) I had one of those encounters this week, and I'll try to capture it as best I can so you can have a taste. 

Some tradesmen came out to do some repair on our balcony, so I worked from home on Tuesday to let them in. As it turned out, they were in and out all day, so I got plenty of interaction with the fellas. The crew leader was like 99% of the Australians I've met here: he was quiet, gentlemanly, called me "miss" every time he addressed me, and was as professional as you could wish for. As pleasant as that interaction was, my real thrill came from the other guy.

From the minute he walked in the door, I could tell he was a talker. Not only that, but he called me "mate" right off the bat. That was unusual because men call Toby "mate" all the time, but I've yet to be called that by a man. A couple girlfiends call me "matey" but that's been the extent of it. So I found it hilariously surprising that he called me "mate" from the get-go and didn't stop. 

He had a pretty strong accent - you can definitely think of Paul Hogan to get an accent-level in mind. His first words to me when he stepped inside were "Ahhh... smells nice in 'ere, mate! That's not always the case, believe me you." He proceeded to carry on in the vein of smells and gross homes he's been in for about an hour, off and on. The first story he shared with me was about an apartment they'd been to recently where there were 4 dogs who were allowed to use the bathroom in the apartment. He said, "And the girl there, she was really nice looking, if I saw her on the street I would be like [approving nod]. But mate, let me tell ya, she was single, and it's because of how she keeps 'er home." There was a bit more diatribe about the dog leavings, then: "I'm sorry, this talking about dog shit is not so nice for early in the morning."

The day progressed like that. I sat on the couch with my computer and worked while they were outside. Every once in a while, he'd pop back in from the balcony when he had something to add to his previous train of conversation/monologue. The notion that I was working didn't deter him: at one point, he came to look over my shoulder at what I was doing, and made the comment that it "looked intelligent."

Like a fair number of Australians we've met, my work buddy did have a good streak of racism/predjudice/political incorrectness in him. He made a few comments that weren't exactly graceful about the Indian neighbors, Asians, and immigrants in general. He also asked me whose idea it was to put some rocks down on the rug outside to keep it from blowing away. I said it was mine, and he said "Right smart idea, mate. Most women wouldn't have had the notion - they would've just chucked it out." So we clearly differ on a few core values. 

I'll close with my favorite snippet from the day. He had taken a call outside, and I could hear his voice was raised while he was on the phone. He seemed bent out shape about something, and the next time he came inside, he shared with me:

I was supposed to do a job for me mate's sister. I went 'round the other day and she wan't there.

So she rung me just now, full of jibber-jabber. She says "I been trying to ring ya. How many numbers ya got?"
And I say, I've just got one number, me phone number. I used to have another but that was for me old phone."
And she says "I rung up and talked to someone who says he was Rabbits."

And I say "I'm not Rabbits!!!"  Eeeh pshaaw.... Women and their jibber jabber.

[throws up hands]

And that ended my day with the fun Aussie. Also, here's a bonus video:


  1. I did pretty much imagine Paul Hogan working on your balcony all day while reading this. Awesome.

  2. By the way, that shopping bag trick works just as well on women, especially if they're Indian or Asian.

    Booya! Look who fits in now in Australia.


  4. A) Is that shopping bag/kangaroo trick for real? I feel like they would jump up and kick you right in the gut if you got too close. 2) Spot on Toby!
