Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Manly to Curl Curl Beach

Unfortunately for Toby, I couldn't let another day off work go by without planning an activity. I almost bit off more than we could chew with the walk from Manly to Curl Curl beach. It was only about 3 miles long, but there was not much shade, lots of climbing, and almost 90 degree weather. If the success of a day is measured by how tired you are at the end of it, we had a very successful day!

We started our day with a ferry ride over to Manly. We happened to get seats outside so we had great views of the beautiful morning.

When we got to Manly, we headed up the beach to start our walk. It was surprisingly uncrowned for such a beautiful day.

View of Manly from the north end
Then we cut up the hill toward Queenscliff Bay and over to Freshwater Beach.

Freshwater was MUCH more crowded!

At the end of Freshwater Beach, we walked out onto big tide pools that jutted out into the sea.

This was Toby's favorite part of the day. He said it felt like being on Mars because of all the cool rock formations and red algae.

This is Toby's happy face

Then we headed across the cliffside toward Curl Curl Beach.

Then we were at the beach!

Curl Curl is a big beach. We walked around most of the beach on a little trail through the bush since trudging across all that hot sand wasn't looking too appealing.

On the other end of the beach was Curl Curl Lagoon.

Lots of people were swimming in spite of signs like this:

We got some takeaway veggie burgers and found a spot in the shade to eat lunch and cool off.

After we finished lunch, we caught a bus back to Manly. It had gotten A LOT more crowded by this time.

Toby's worst nightmare
By the the time we got back on the ferry to head back to the city, we were beat. But not too tired for a gelato treat over at Darling Harbor!

And that was the end of our very successful day!

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