Friday, January 18, 2013

114 degrees in the shade

While my friends and family were sending me pictures of snow and ice, Friday was the hottest day ever on record in Sydney. And IT FELT LIKE IT!

I knew it was going to be a warm day, but I didn't realize how warm. So when I went outside at lunchtime to call Holly, I was surprised that I was sweating so much just sitting in the shade. There was even a breeze blowing! I decided I must be getting soft, but I thought for the sake of my co-workers, I should move indoors to a less sweat-inducing environment.

It wasn't until I got back to my desk and looked at the temperature that I realized why I'd been so hot. I checked it about an hour and a half later - definitely not talking on the phone outdoors weather!

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of my adventures in the heat. When I left work at around 5:30, I'd been warned that the trains were running on a delay because of the heat. I assumed this wouldn't affect me since I take a train from one stop to the next at a very central station. This was not the case! When I got to the station, I walked in just in time to hear an announcement on the intercom that my platform was being closed due to over-crowding. Once a few of the delayed trains made it to the station, they would re-open the platform. So instead of waiting in a packed crowd in the stifling station, I decided to make the 40-minute walk home. I joined the sweaty trudging masses resigned to walking and headed out. Actually, though, once I got onto the bridge, there was a very nice breeze and it wasn't as grueling as I'd feared.

When I got home, I read that trains were delayed because steel in the system was buckling and hoses were melting. Melting! 

So that was my adventure in the Sydney heat! All in all, it wasn't as chaotic as it could have been. I'm so lucky that I can walk home if I need to. AND I'm so grateful we have air conditioning. =)

On a side note, I've signed up for a mailing list that lets you know about upcoming activities and events in Sydney. I was just thinking the other day about how I've adapted so much to our new life, and how so many things that once would have been a novelty have become commonplace. Then my mailing list sent me this article about food to make on Australia Day next weekend. When I could only understand about half of what I read, I realized I still have a lot to discover about Australia culture!

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