Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The most patriotic mattress you'll ever see...

...and other random pictures.

This weekend was big rubbish pickup day at the apartment. When Toby and I walked by the collection area, we saw this mattress, which cracked me up to no end.

We also made a trip to Ikea where we experienced the most high tech parking garage I've ever seen. All the little lights indicated if a space was open and each row listed how many open spaces were in that row. It was maybe the best use of technology ever!

And, lastly, I ended up on Australian TV this week! Here's hoping I can retire off my successful TV career!

(Around the 2:00 mark, and a few other times near the end)


  1. look at YOU, my beautiful friend! i miss you! xoxoxo

  2. Nice!! Next time they need to give you way way more tv time:) xx
